Life is about TRUSTING our feeling and TAKING CHANCES, LOSING and FINDING HAPPINESS, APPRECIATING the memories and LEARNING from the past... Let's together ask ALLAH to help us for not wasting the life we have.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hope You'll be Strong...

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah, Maha Penyayang, yang memberikan saya sedikit masa dan peluang untuk mengarang post yang sangat2 ringkas & padat ini. It’s just a simple sharing. May Allah bless the reader. Insha-Allah…

Setiap apa yang datang pasti akan pergi. Ini memang fitrah kehidupan yang perlu kita terima. Tapi ketahuilah bahawa Allah tidak pernah mengambil sesuatu dari kita kecuali Dia menggantikannya dengan yang lebih baik.

“Sesiapa yang Aku ambil orang yang dicintainya di dunia tetap mengharap redhaKu, nescaya Aku akan menggantikannya dengan syurga”
-Hadith Qudsi.

So we don’t have to feel down for what had happen… sebab Allah yang menentukan segalanya. Bukankah Allah itu sebaik-baik perancang? Bukankah Dia yang memiliki syurga, balasan, pengganti dan ganjaran yang besar? Bukankah Allah tahu segalanya? He knows the best for us so please keep on smiling.

I remembered that someone once told me that it’s okay if you wanna cry, but don’t ever ever forget to smile back.

And if you ever wonder about what’s going to happen after you face a disaster, just remember that Allah never forgets you. He’s near to us, always willing to hear us cry. So you don’t have to worry if you have nobody to turn to cuz Allah is always there for you… Jut call upon Him, insha-Allah there’s always a way.

“Ingatlah, sesungguhnya bantuan Allah itu sangat dekat…”
(Surah Al-Baqarah: 214)

Dalam sebuah hadis, Rasulullah juga ada menyebut, “Ketahuilah bahawa bantuan itu ada bersama kesabaran dan jalan keluar itu selalu berganding dengan cubaan.

Jangan berdukacita kerana kita masih berpeluang untuk berdoa. Kita juga masih mempunyai waktu untuk merapatkan dahi ke tanah untuk bersujud. (Dipetik dari ‘La Tahzan’)

Kita juga perlu ingat, datangnya ujian dan cubaan bukan menandakan bahawa kita dilupai, tapi itulah salah satu tanda Allah sayangkan kita.

Tiada siapa menafikan sakitnya hati apabila ditimpa musibah. Just remember… bukannya Allah tidak tahu betapa sakitnya hati kita, menderitanya jiwa kita dan banyaknya air mata yang mengalir… Tetapi Dia sengaja datangkan ujian kerana Dia tahu dengan ujian hati-hati kita akan dekat pada-Nya…

I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say. I have tried my best for this post. Well you know, I usually wrote my post in English. So kekok sikit nak mengarang in BM. Anyway, hope you'll be strong…

Friday, April 08, 2011

O Allah.. please forgive me.

O Allah…..!
It hurts when I have to let go the things I really love...
It hurts when I have to lose something that I really want...
It hurts, Allah… it hurts…
Allah… I realize that I can never live without Your mercy..
I realize that I can never smile without the conscious that You are pleased with me..
I realize that I can never lead my life if You are unhappy with me..
I am sorry..
I am really really sorry..
For I have neglected You for a long time..
For I have loved others more than I should love You..
For I have prioritized others more than I should..
Even then…
You still gives me food to eat..
when I am not supposed to eat what I shouldn’t eat
You still gives me eyes to see..
when I am not supposed to see what I shouldn’t see
You still gives me ears to hear..
when I am not supposed to hear what I shouldn’t hear
You still gives me skin to touch..
when I am not supposed to touch what I shouldn’t touch
You still give the air I’m breathing now..
when I have done tonnes of mistakes..
How can someone not fall for You??
You are very kind O Allah..
You are great O Allah..
but I forget..
I’m so occupied with this world..
I’m so busy with my life..
I’m so so busy about myself!
I can never forgive myself if this were to happen again..
how can I do that to You Allah…
I’m such an arrogant slave..
I’m not thankful to You…
I feel embarrassed
O Allah. I’m embarrassed…
but please O Allah… soon one day
I will be meeting You, Allah!
Forgive me on that day O Allah
Have Mercy on that day O Allah
Shower me with Your BLESSINGS on that day
O Allah… that is my only wish…

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Everything we have is a gift from God

Praise be to my Lord, The Most Wonderful The Most Forgiving…

Many times we think of God's Great Gift to us. Allah is of course the Greatest Gift. Without Him nothing else would matter. But you see… the bottom line is, everything we have is a gift from Him, The Al-Mighty Lord.

The gift of life is from God. If not for Him we would not exist. Every breath we take is a gift from Allah. Our physical strength, mental ability, and spiritual sensitivity are all gifts.

In facing our days, a lot of thing we have as a gift. Whether we have little or much, what we are blessed with is ultimately from our Lord, Allah S.W.T… Even it is talents, time, health, wealth, friends, work, or love… we have Allah to thank for all of these. He gives freely, not based on what we deserve, but solely on His goodness.

He blesses us with life and health. Let us be thankful while we have them and use them for good. He blesses us with loved ones. Let us think of them often, pray for their needs, and be there for them whenever we can. He blesses us with forgiveness. Let us humble ourselves before Him, reveal our faults, and follow after future truths. He blesses us with His Words (The Quran). Let us read and appreciate it anew daily for spiritual guidance and sustenance.

In surah Al-Insan : 2-3, Allah S.W.T said, “We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to test him: So We gave him (the gifts), of Hearing and Sight. We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).”

You see… everything we have is really a gift from Him. Even when He takes away something from your hand, don’t think He is punishing you. He is just leaving you empty handed to receive something better! So don’t have to worry much cuz Allah knows best… J

Dear Allah…

I thank You for my being able to see and to hear every day. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving Allah (SWT) and You always understand me. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. You never turn You back on me even when I turned my back on You. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness…

Dear Allah…

I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than Allah (SWT). I realise that even I have a big problem; I always do have The Greater Allah. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly...

Saturday, April 02, 2011

A very simple day


Well, this post is about my day. I mean my birthday. Yeah~ I know it’s not my birthday anymore. Actually I have to make this post yesterday but honestly yesterday I feel so so so exhausted! So I just have to delay it first to have some rest. And finally, I’m making this post now. Alhamdulillah...

You know? My birthday this year is quite boring. We don’t even celebrate it like the years before. Well, it’s just okay as I understand that everybody is getting busy these days. But know what? I was a little excited when Umi told me that someone sent me a huge parcel. Of course it is my birthday present. But I began to be more keyed up when I opened the huge box lid; there was a really2 cute teddy bear! And I decided to call it my Mr. Teddy.

Mr. Teddy & me (Ahmad nie seb0k je kt belakang tuh. haishh~! )

(Dari kanan: Ahmad, Mr. Teddy, Hamizah)

Well, there were t-shirt, a cute Mickey Mouse alarm clock & a key-chain too. Thanks Mr. Luq… I love it so much~!!!

I still have short beautiful moments with Hamizah’s friends. They are so wonderful, kind-hearted and sweet. They surprised me with presents too!!! Masha-Allah.

(bersama kwn2 Mizah)

(cute kan??? :D)

Umi and my sister Hamizah baked me a chocolate cake. Honestly, it’s d
amn yummy! Thanks Umi… I love your cake. We enjoyed the cake in the evening together.

(Ahmad x sabar nk mkn. huhu~)

During the night, when Abah came back home from work, he told us that he was really exhausted so we have to cancel the birthday party at the pizza restaurant. Well, it’s just okay cuz I don’t care much. Anyway, I'm touched when my friends wrote a blog post special for my birthday. Hell yeah~ nobody ever did that for me. Well, this is the link to their blog


Why don't you guys try & ckeck it out!! :)

You see, it’s quite a simple day right? There is nothing special. The very special thing for me is that I’ve got Mr. Teddy for my birthday this year. Cool right? I love it damn much~!!! <3

(Princess 1st April)