O Allah…..!
It hurts when I have to let go the things I really love...
It hurts when I have to lose something that I really want...
It hurts, Allah… it hurts…
Allah… I realize that I can never live without Your mercy..
I realize that I can never smile without the conscious that You are pleased with me..
I realize that I can never lead my life if You are unhappy with me..
I am sorry..
I am really really sorry..
For I have neglected You for a long time..
For I have loved others more than I should love You..
For I have prioritized others more than I should..
Even then…
You still gives me food to eat..
when I am not supposed to eat what I shouldn’t eat
You still gives me eyes to see..
when I am not supposed to see what I shouldn’t see
You still gives me ears to hear..
when I am not supposed to hear what I shouldn’t hear
You still gives me skin to touch..
when I am not supposed to touch what I shouldn’t touch
You still give the air I’m breathing now..
when I have done tonnes of mistakes..
How can someone not fall for You??
You are very kind O Allah..
You are great O Allah..
but I forget..
I’m so occupied with this world..
I’m so busy with my life..
I’m so so busy about myself!
I can never forgive myself if this were to happen again..
how can I do that to You Allah…
I’m such an arrogant slave..
I’m not thankful to You…
I feel embarrassed
O Allah. I’m embarrassed…
but please O Allah… soon one day
I will be meeting You, Allah!
Forgive me on that day O Allah
Have Mercy on that day O Allah
Shower me with Your BLESSINGS on that day
O Allah… that is my only wish…
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Apa kbr basyirah? rindunya!
teringat plak masa kt matri dulu.
maju lagi basyirah dlm penulisan ni, chayok2!
p/s: jangan lupa datanglah ke blog fatin, follow lh sekali dan jangan lupa komen juga ye :)
wafa zinnirah92:
Alhmudlillah.. ana sihat je. nti mcm mne? sihat?? yup. tringt pulak kenangan kte kt matri dlu.. rindu nti sgt2.!!
inshaAllah nnty ana ziarah blog nti k? l0ve you alwys.. :)
Dear friend
I met your blog by chance, found that it is a very great and so beautiful and also best ever
May Allah bless you.
Hris R,
Btw, thnx 4 visiting my site.
may Allah bless u to0. :)
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