Life is about TRUSTING our feeling and TAKING CHANCES, LOSING and FINDING HAPPINESS, APPRECIATING the memories and LEARNING from the past... Let's together ask ALLAH to help us for not wasting the life we have.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

A very simple day


Well, this post is about my day. I mean my birthday. Yeah~ I know it’s not my birthday anymore. Actually I have to make this post yesterday but honestly yesterday I feel so so so exhausted! So I just have to delay it first to have some rest. And finally, I’m making this post now. Alhamdulillah...

You know? My birthday this year is quite boring. We don’t even celebrate it like the years before. Well, it’s just okay as I understand that everybody is getting busy these days. But know what? I was a little excited when Umi told me that someone sent me a huge parcel. Of course it is my birthday present. But I began to be more keyed up when I opened the huge box lid; there was a really2 cute teddy bear! And I decided to call it my Mr. Teddy.

Mr. Teddy & me (Ahmad nie seb0k je kt belakang tuh. haishh~! )

(Dari kanan: Ahmad, Mr. Teddy, Hamizah)

Well, there were t-shirt, a cute Mickey Mouse alarm clock & a key-chain too. Thanks Mr. Luq… I love it so much~!!!

I still have short beautiful moments with Hamizah’s friends. They are so wonderful, kind-hearted and sweet. They surprised me with presents too!!! Masha-Allah.

(bersama kwn2 Mizah)

(cute kan??? :D)

Umi and my sister Hamizah baked me a chocolate cake. Honestly, it’s d
amn yummy! Thanks Umi… I love your cake. We enjoyed the cake in the evening together.

(Ahmad x sabar nk mkn. huhu~)

During the night, when Abah came back home from work, he told us that he was really exhausted so we have to cancel the birthday party at the pizza restaurant. Well, it’s just okay cuz I don’t care much. Anyway, I'm touched when my friends wrote a blog post special for my birthday. Hell yeah~ nobody ever did that for me. Well, this is the link to their blog


Why don't you guys try & ckeck it out!! :)

You see, it’s quite a simple day right? There is nothing special. The very special thing for me is that I’ve got Mr. Teddy for my birthday this year. Cool right? I love it damn much~!!! <3

(Princess 1st April)