How are you today? First of all, I would like to say thanks for willing to visit my site. It's kinda long time I didn't even update my post here. It's jut because I don't even have an idea for a topic to post to my blog.
This time I really want to share a video with you guys. It's a part from Star Wars Episode 3. Well, actually I'm not really gonna talk about this video. I just wanna talk about how I love the way Obi-wan Kenobi swung his laser sword. Damn.. I love it so much !! It looks awes0me, great and so HEROIC ! <3 Hey, why don't you try to play the video down here. I bet you'll like it. :)
Guess what... I really wish I can be a hero like Obi-wan. He fancies me ! Co0l huh? I really like the way he hold up the justice. He is so a great person ! I wish I can be as kind & strong like him. Go Go Obi-Wan...! :D