Life is about TRUSTING our feeling and TAKING CHANCES, LOSING and FINDING HAPPINESS, APPRECIATING the memories and LEARNING from the past... Let's together ask ALLAH to help us for not wasting the life we have.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Allah Knows - Z.Bhikha & D.Wharnsby

“Here, I wanted to share with all my friends a nasheed that I’ll listen to it every time I’m disappointed or feel life is a glimmer of hope. For those who always face life with a gloomy day, listen to this nasheed and understand it. Insya-Allah you’ll find the light of happiness. Ya Allah, please give us a peaceful heart in standing our time before death”

When you feel all alone in this world

And there's nobody to count your tears

Just remember no matter where you are

Allah knows Allah knows

When you carrying a monster load

And you wonder how far you can go

With every step on that road that you take

Allah knows Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out

There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt

Allah knows Allah knows

And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth

Every star in this whole universe

Allah knows Allah knows

When you find that special someone

Feel your whole life has barely begun

You can walk to the moon shout it to everyone

Allah knows Allah knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes

Catch a glimpse of paradise

And you see your child take the first breath of life

Allah knows Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out

There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt

Allah knows Allah knows

And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth

Every star in this whole universe

Allah knows Allah knows

When you lose someone close to your heart

See you whole world fall apart

And you try to go on but it seems so hard

Allah knows Allah knows

You see we all have a path to choose

Through the valleys and hills we go

With the ups and the downs never fret never frown

Allah knows Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out

There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt

Allah knows Allah knows

And whatever lies in the heavens in the earth

Every star in this whole universe

Allah knows Allah knows

Cuz no matter what, inside or out

There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt

Allah knows Allah knows

And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth

Every star in this whole universe

Allah knows Allah knows

Every grain and sand

In every desert land, He knows

Every shade of palm

Every closed hand, He knows

Every sparkling tear

On every eyelash, He knows

Every thought I have

And every word I share, He knows


What is the purpose of life

What is the purpose of this life?
Money, holidays, a beautiful wife?
There is no point in us denying
Each heart beat brings us closer to dying
You'll breathe your last
Your life will have past
Don't pretend
Death's not the end

You will taste death, death never waited
Look around you, everything's created
It has a creator, it has a meaning
A mother gives birth and then comes it's weaning
The sun rises and gives us light
It sets, then falls, the blanket of night
The plants all grow, when falls the rain
They give fruits to man, and they too will wane

Why does man think that he will get away?
Spending life aimlessly, as if he's here to stay
A fixed time is appointed, everything will perish
Everything you hate, everything you relish
Except the Almighty Allah, He will remain
And then will come judgement, all on one plain

Allah will say, I gave you life
I gave you health, wealth and a wife
What did you do with your time?
What did you do in your prime?
Did you spread my message, did you spread islam?
Why not? Did you not read the Quran?
My friends, we muslims, we are so blessed
Allah gave us islam to supercede all the rest

My non-muslim friends, the Quran must be read
Read before it's too late and you're dead
You owe it to yourselves, it will make you cry
You'll know these words are from the Lord most High
Instructing mankind to the purpose of life
And the reward my friends is everlasting life

Our purpose is to worship our Lord most High
The reward is heaven where no one will die
You'll have anything you want, all the best dishes
And Almighty Allah will grant all of your wishes

This life my friends is just a cage
We should live by His orders, to be safe from his rage
You will understand when you read the holy Quran
You'll know the religion of truth is islam
Protect yourself and your families from hell
Embrace islam and all will be well
For the deeds of this life, you'll pay the price
In the depths of hell or in paradise

Waiting for the call - Irfan Makki

Assalamualaikum friends… I would like to share with all of you a nasheed that I really like to listen to. The title of the nasheed is ‘Waiting for The Call’ but sometimes people call it ‘Islam in My Vein’. Irfan Makki sings it. I like him because of his soft voice and he can control the tone easily. I can bet he'll make everybody being hypnotize from hearing him reciting the quran. Believe it or not . Believe it. I have to tell you in case you didn’t know yet that his singing voice is completely similar to Michael Jackson’s. You don’t trust me? Okay then. Listen it yourself. Good luck!


Persahabatan... Tidak akan ada sesiapa pun yang menafikan indahnya persahabatan. Memang indah... Suasana yang mendung pun boleh menjadi cerah kembali. Tapi, kadang-kadang orang salah faham tentang erti persahabatan. Adakah persahabatan itu hanya dengan menegur dengan cara yang menyakitkan? Adakah persahabatan itu hanya dengan menghiburkan tanpa memberi kesan apa-apa? Ataupun, hanya dengan memberi hadiah yang kegembiraannya hanya sementara? Menemani tanpa perasaan kasih sayang seperti sesuatu yang tidak bernyawa? Hanya dengan berSMS atau menghantar e-mail? Berbual kosong? Mengajak kepada kemungkaran? Tidak! Semuanya tidak!!! Bahkan persahabatan seperti itu hanya akan menyebabkan retaknya hati, terseksanya jiwa, serta membawa kepada kemurungan yang berpanjangan. Malah, persahabatan seperti ini hanya diibaratkan seperti najis di tepi jalan. Tidak bernilai dan tidak dihargai sama sekali. Apa sebenarnya persahabatan? Inilah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dirasai oleh semua insan. Persahabatan itu hanya akan tersingkap disebalik hati-hati yang dipilih Allah sahaja. Ya, betul. Persahabatan itu merupakan anugerah yang sangat indah. SANGAT INDAH Persahabatan itu adalah dengan berkongsi rasa resah, rasa gelisah, dukacita mahupun gembira. Semuanya dihadapi bersama. Sebaik-baik teman merupakan mereka yang sentiasa sedia mendengar rintihan kita ketika kita bersedih hati, sentiasa sedia memahami kita ketika kita berdukacita, sentiasa sedia menemani kita ketika kita disisihkan, sentiasa sedia memeluk kita ketika kita memerlukan pelukan dan kehangatan kasih sayang,sentiasa memberi kita harapan ketika kita rasakan kehidupan ini sudah tidak bermakna lagi, sentiasa memberi kita semangat ketika kita berputus asa untuk terus berusaha, dan sentiasa sedia berkongsi cerita atas sesuatu yang menyebabkan kita bahagia. Persahabatan yang ikhlas bukan sahaja dengan ketawa bersama-sama tetapi juga menangis bersama-sama. Sahabat seperti payung dalam hujan. Sahabatnya tidak akan dibiarkan basah dalam derita. Sahabat yang sebenar juga seperti rumah yang sering menjadi pelindung daripada sebarang kecelakaan, seperti kereta yang sering memudahkan sebarang urusan. Sesuatu yang paling wajib dihargai, sahabat sejati seperti matahari, sanggup korbankan dirinya sendiri hanya untuk kebahagiaan sahabatnya. Sungguh beruntung mereka yang beroleh sahabat sejati.
Ya Allah, anugerahkanlah kepadaku sahabat seperti ini, yang akan mengajakku bersama-sama dengannya mengejar cinta-Mu. Dan jika Kau menghadiahkan sahabat kepadaku, Kau hadirkanlah kepadaku rasa ingin menghargainya sampai ke akhirat. Ameen...