(From FAQ site)
Praise be to You, Allah…
O Allah... I really wanted to be strong. But Allah.. I cannot be as powerful as I wanted without Your help. Without You, I have nothing cuz You are EVERYTHING. Please Allah, I need Your help.
O Allah... If I cry, please let me cry for You. If I smile, please let me smile for You. If I'm happy, please let me be happy for You. If I am disappointed, please let me be it with You.
O Allah... I'm begging You. No matter what, please do not let me stop helping others. Well, You just let me know that the key to be happy is by helping people. And yes, it is. So please, don't ever let me stop lending my hands for others. I wanted to be a strong lady so I really do hope You'll let me. Please Allah...

Allah.... for the clouds You've gave us, for the stars You've lend to us, for the wealth You've bestowed on us, for the life You’ve conferred for us, for the enjoyable You’ve passed on us, for the breath You've handed over us, for the night sky You've decorated it to make us smile again, for the people You’ve let us know no matter who they are, for the love You’ve overflowed to take place as Your guidance, for everything You’ve gave us ‘til we couldn’t tell, thanks for all of it.
memulakan langkah mmg perit...
dan bangun smula...
kadang2 tanpa tgn menghulur bantuan...
terasa diri kembara sendirian.. mimpikan syurga idaman... sedangkan diri tak tahan ujian... kerdilnya diri bila menghitung keringat yg gugur.. titisan air mata kecewa.. rupanya masih ada sahabat datang membantu... mekar dalam jambangan..setia pada pejuangan islam...
thanks ya!!!
P/S:wowhhhhh!!!!! very go0d maaaaa......sob...sob... ='(
Salam ke atasmu adikku yg sgt ku cintai krn-Nya,
Firstly akak nk kata I love your blog. Yes I do.. Penulisannya mmg dpt dirasakn. Mmg benar tertulisnya dgn pnuh prsaan. Akak bangga dgn adik akak ni. Truskn perjuangn ye.. Akak doakn. Alwayz doakn.
Yg plg pntg, adik akak ni kena ingt.. Allah cinta kt nti. Dia cinta sgt kt nti. Berbanggalh basyirah.. Allah cintakn nti...
Akak slalu akn doakn nti bhgia dunia akhirat. Jdlh pendokong dakwah & trbiyh x kira mana pon nti berada. Pegang prinsip nti kuat2. Akak percaya, adik akak ni mmg kuat orangnya. Nti pun slalu laa doakn akak ye.
Salam sayang,
Kak Aina
teh yg panas mcm matahari.....,
Thanks tisal. You know?? Ana syg sgt nti. Thanx sgt. Nti slaloo wt ana rasa yg ana ni hidup lg. hahah...
Anyway, ana just nk share ape yg ana rasa skrg. Hti ana agk dukacita. Kdg2 2 rasa t'seksa fikir ape nk jadi 1 hari nnti. Tp.. sdr x sdr, ana de shbh2 yg sgt baik mcm nti & kwn2 kita yg lain. Ye! P'shbtn sgt2 nikmat. Smpekn blh wt kita rasa kesedihn tuh x penh wujud. Yes.. Mcm x penah wujud. Jazakillah cuz jd shbh ana.
Kakakku Aina Safiya,
Salam ke ats akak jugk yg sgtku cntai krn-Nya. Mostly, blog bsyrh ni x de pe sgt pown. Just tls pe yg t'singkp dlm hati, tu je. Mcm diari. Haha.. X lbh dr tuh. Lgipon, penulisn bsyrh x de la sehbt akak.
Trima ksh ats kata2 akak yg sgt menyentuh. Akak kata Allah cintakn bsyrh. Well, bsyrh akn ingt tu smpe bile2. Mean, as long as Allah let me to remember it. Dn Allah merhmati akak selgi mna bsyrh ingt pe yg akak ckp tuh. Ameen...
Jazakillah akak cuz doa utk bsyrh. Bsyrh pown akn slaloo doa utk akak. Inshaallah..
Salam sayaaaaaaang,
Basyirah Zulkifli
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