In the name of my Lord, The Most Wonderful The Most Gracious.
Peace be upon all of you who willing to spend just 2 minutes to read this new post. This post is dedicated to some of them who really play the important role of my life.
Dear Lord,
First of all, I really begged for Your forgiveness. Forgive me for every wrong that I've done. Please forgive me for forgetting You sometimes, for not remembering You always. O Allah... Thanks for always being there for me. For always touching my heart & give me comfort by making me believe that there is nothing to worry about. I know it's rude, but please give me the chance to be myself back.
Umi & Abah... I'm really sorry for my weaknesses. I know I've make you guys really disappointed about me. Sorry for my bad attitudes & for being so hard-headed nowadays... I know I've changed a lot. Please do remember this.... I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH !!! Please give me a lil more time. I'll try to make you guys happy one day. Insha-Allah...
To my dear prince, Ahmad... Sorry I've scolded you a lot of times. Orang teringat masa Ahmad cakap kat Mizah, "Basyirah dulu baik, tapi sekarang dah garang." It really makes me laugh that time. But deep into my heart I know I'm crying so hard like I can hardly breathe. I know I'm really the bad guy now. Betul cakap Ahmad. I've changed. I realize that too but I just don't know why. Forgive me for not being a really go0d sister. You always try to make me feel that I'm kind & pretty, even though I know that I'm not. Huhu...
My dear prince... Please give me a lil more time to be the go0d Basyirah once again. You will always be the person who I loved the most NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN.
To my only younger sister, Hamizah...
Thank you for doing a lot of things for me, for trying so hard to make me happy during my 1st April every year, for always trying to defend me no matter what I'm facing. I remember once ago, you wrote in your essay that I'm your idol. Well, I think I'm not your idol anymore huh? :) Sorry for not treating you very well these times. I can't even remember the joy when I laughed with you. I can barely remember the peaceful feeling that I spent with you. Mizah, I'm sorry... :'( Please give me a lil more time.
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To Ahmad Haziq Luqman, the person who always stand beside me in every situation, who try to make me laugh when I cried for a really bad day, who always listen & understand my feelings. I'm really really sorry for always putting the burden on you. I know I've hurt you a lot of times but you always say, "It's okay" & smile to me as if nothing had happened. Minta maaf sebab selalu sakitkan hati awak. And minta maaf sangat sebab selalu pentingkan diri sendiri. :( Please give me a lil more time to find myself back. Hope you will forgive me....
Dearest Amina Al-amin, Najah Khairul & Nor Lyana Omar. Thanks for always listening to me. I'm sorry for not being the best person for you guys. Please give me a lil time to make you guys smile like before. I miss all of so much !