Life is about TRUSTING our feeling and TAKING CHANCES, LOSING and FINDING HAPPINESS, APPRECIATING the memories and LEARNING from the past... Let's together ask ALLAH to help us for not wasting the life we have.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A little bla..bla..bla..

In the name of my Lord the Most Understanding, the Mast Protecting…

Well, at last… I’ve decided where I wanna further my studies. KUIS, inshaAllah…. Yeah~~ Hopefully, this is the best for me. Jadi sekarang, ana kena
cuba lupakan niat ana nak masuk khassah. Maybe, tu bukan yang terbaik untuk ana. Allah, please help me to do my best.

Berjuta penghargaan ana nak tujukan kepada raja dan permaisuri hidupku, Umi dan Abah… Thanks ya!! Umi & Abah selalu nakkan yang terbaik untuk kakak. I love you both. You both are very kind to me. Cuma kakak yang degil sangat. Minta maaf, Umi… Minta maaf, Abah…
Sorry for being so dreadful. You guys are the best. Love you forever, inshaAllah… Smg bahagia dunia akhirat. Ameen…

Kepada kakakku yang amat dicintai, Safiah @ Kak Safi, Thanks for the ‘sms’ you sent to me before. Kandungannya betul2 memberi kesedaran kepada hati yang agak keras ni. “Pilihan
parents sebenarnya untuk kebaikan anak-anaknya. Dan DISITULAH TERSELIT KEREDHAAN, inshaAllah…” Yes, orang akan cuba ingat kata2 tu. Sangat bermakna dalam hidup insan seluruhnya.

Adikku Shafiq yang sangat disayangi, yakinlah… Apa yang Umi & Abah nak untuk kita sebenarnya untuk kesenangan kita pada masa depan. Oh ya, Buat PMR elok2 ok? Kalahkan Incah. Ha3…

Ciwan, jadi anak & abang yang soleh tau! Ciwan lah yang paling besar ada kat rumah. Kitorang yang lain semua belajar jauh2. Ciwan jangan nangis tau! Huhu… Love you always…

Mizah yg jelita, thanks cuz selalu layan org dengan baik. Jangan risau... walaupun kita berjauhan, Mizah tetap ku ingat di hati.

Ahmad, I'm sorry... Basyirah tak sempat nak sambut birthday Ahmad sama2. Tapi tak apa, Basyirah tetap akan sambut kat kolej nanti, inshaAllah... I love you always cuz you are my handsome prince forever and ever...

Kepada abg2ku… Zubair, Khairi, Nabil. Kakakku, Safiah. Dan adik2ku Shafiq, Ridwan, Hamizah, and Ahmad Faisal, please pray for me ok? I love you all. And I’m happy to have you all in my life. Thanks for everything you’ve done to me. Segala-galanya betul2 dah mendidik hati ni. Terima kasih sangat2…

Mas’ulah halaqahku, Kak Mazniha Berahim. Jazakillah atas semangat yang diberikan. “Jika kita sungguh berhajat, berusaha , sanggup susah payah... insyaAllah, bantuan Allah sgt dekat... Tarbiyah itu di tangan, di tangan kita jualah… You can do if you want to do!!”
K/mas, Thanks lagi sekali…

Kepada sahibah2 seperjuangan ana, jom kita sama2
cuba teruskan usaha kita. InshaAllah… Life is not telling about falling down, but it’s about standing up after the fall. So, jangan risau… Kalau terjatuh, kita still ada peluang untuk bangun as long as we live… And He’ll accept us always! Dia Maha Pengampun dan sangat memahami hamba2-Nya.

Adik2 MATRI yang sangat ana cintai & kasihi. K/Basyirah minta maaf kalau kecewakan adik2. Tapi, Allah takdirkan khassah bukan untuk K/Basyirah. Jangan risau, adik2
still boleh teruskan hidup adik2 dengan tenang tanpa K/Basyirah. Adik2 nak selesaikan masalah adik2, dan adik2 nak berubah. So, inshaAllah adik2 boleh. K/Basyirah yakin, dalam diri adik2 ada kelebihan yang sangat tinggi nilainya. Kelebihan tu lah yang boleh bawa adik2 dekat dengan perubahan kepada yang lebih baik. Believe me.. You all can do it!! Mungkin dah sampai masanya korang belajar berdikari. Huhuhu… 1 hari nanti, bila K/Basyirah jumpa adik2, K/Basyirah yakin adik2 akan buat K/Basyirah tersenyum cuz adik2 akan jadi insan2 yang SANGAT HEBAT! Biar orang lain terkejut. K/Basyirah yakin adik2 K/Basyirah boleh… InshaAllah…

Dan kepada sesiapa yang selalu ingat ana dalam doa, thanks sangat2.. Ana hargai semua tu. I'll always remember your kindness. Teruskan doa untuk ana ya!! Jaga diri... Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan dalam hidup dan menghadiahkan keredhaan-Nya untuk kita. Allah, berikanlah mereka kebaikan lebih daripada apa yang mereka mahukan untuk aku.

Lastly, Allah knows everything~~~

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dia Maha Pengampun

Tak ada manusia yang tidak berdosa, sebab manusia selalu dihinggapi dosa. Dan manusia yang baik bukanlah manusia yang tanpa dosa, tetapi manusia yang apabila dia melakukan dosa, dia menyedari kesalahannya dan bertaubat kepada Allah.

"Kemudian, sesungguhnya Tuhanmu (mengampuni) bagi orang-orang yang mengerjakan kesalahan karena kejahilannya, kemudian mereka bertaubat setelah itu, dan memperbaiki ( dirinya) sesungguhnya Tuhanmu sesudah itu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (Surah An-Nahl: 119)

Dalam sebuah hadis: “Sesungguhnya, tatkala hamba yang bermaksiat menadahkan kedua belah tangannya ke langit, lalu berkata, “Ya Tuhanku.” Maka malaikat akan menutupi suaranya. Kemudian, hamba itu mengulanginya lagi, “Ya Tuhanku”, Malaikat pun menutupi suaranya lagi. Hamba itu lalu mengulanginya lagi “Ya Tuhanku” Malaikat pun menutupi suaranya sekali lagi. Kemudian ketika hamba
Allah itu mengulanginya untuk kali keempat, “Ya Tuhanku.” Maka Allah berfirman, “Sampai bila engkau akan terus menutupi suara hamba-Ku ini? Aku memenuhi panggilanmu, wahai hambaKu; Aku memenuhi panggilanmu, wahai hambaKu; Aku memenuhi panggilanmu, wahai hambaKu; Aku memenuhi panggilanmu, wahai hambaKu.” (Petikan dari buku ‘Jangan Takut! Allah Maha Pengampun’ penulisan Amr Khaled)

Ya Allah, kami lemah tanpa kehadiranMu dalam sanubari. Bukan Engkau yang menjauhkan diri dari kami, tetapi kami yang menjauhkan diri dariMu. Kami mohon, benar-benar berharap… janganlah Engkau biarkan kami walau sekelip mata kerana kami alpa tanpa bimbinganMu, leka tanpa pimpinanMu, terkandas di pertengahan jalan tanpa cinta dan kasihMu.

Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami yang meruntuhkan perlindungan kepada diri kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami yang mendatangkan bencana kepada diri kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami yang merosakkan nikmat yang Kau anugerahkan kepada kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami yang merintangi doa-doa kami,
ampunilah dosa-dosa kami yang menurunkan bencana buat diri kami. Ya Allah, ampunilah segala dosa yang telah kami lakukan dan segala kejahatan yang telah kami kerjakan.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

When they laughed at me...

This happened yesterday, when I told them why I wanna study in khassah. I just continue and continue till the time when they asked me what is my mission in khassah till I’m willing to sacrifice my dream to study journalism. Well there are already KLMU and KUIS for me to catch my dream, but I decided to leave it for a while and go to khassah first. So I say, I wanna run for my mission before anything else. Cuz for me, my mission is thousands of times more important than my dream. Then, THEY LAUGHED AT ME!!!

Know what? That really, really hurts me. Well of course, I can forgive them for laughing at me. But hey…. I will never forget how they just laughed at me as if I was telling them a funny story. I WILL NEVER FORGET IT TILL I DIE. Hey, don’t you remember… ‘to err is human’. Yes, everybody makes mistake but do remember that everybody CAN change.

“God Himself does not propose to judge man until the end of his day, so why should the humans do that?” Dr. Johnson (Psychologist of United State)
Taken from a book, ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie.

Allah, I know You are there for me. You know, if not because of Your help, I’ve give up right now. Allah, I need Your help….. Please show me a way, where I suppose to go and what I suppose to do. Please Allah, help me.

You’ve left us in The Quran, Al-Anbiya’: 83-84 [And when Ayob cried to his Lord, “Verily, distress has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.” So We answered his call, and We removed the distress that was on him….. ] So Allah, You’ll help me too right?

To my sister, Kak Syafiyah Adzhar… You know I love you so much. You helped me and understand me a lot. Thanks… You are really my forever sister.

To Kak Maisarah Azmi and Kak Mazniha Berahim, thank you for your advice. Don’t worry, sis… I’ll remember it always, inshaAllah…

To my friends, Iffah Hanna, Imtisal, Afiqah, Basyirah, Syahirah, Iman, Naiemah, Fatinah, Fatimah, Aisyah and others… thanks for always understanding me when I have nobody. You’ve gave me some strength to be more confident for studying in khassah. Thank you… Hey you guys, try don’t stop supporting me in my life, okay? Cuz I need all of you.
I love you all lillah, inshaAllah… Hope we’ll be friends forever. Ameen…

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Don't give up...

Praise be to my Lord... The Most Understanding, The Most Wonderful...
This post is dedicated to everyone especially me.

In this world that surrounds us, we sometimes brake down and fall. We try to fight in this world that always seems to fight us back. We’ll hide away in corners and put upon ourselves pain. We have to know this: There’s no escape from this life cuz we all must face something that suffer. Although we may struggle… then, we fall and fall, Allah will stand by our side and He’ll stay with us through those damn difficult moments. He is your shoulder to cry on and He’ll ALWAYS be around you.

Do remember that no ones perfect and everybody will have to face something hard
. But anything can be done with a little faith and hope, right? Hey… I can promise that it WILL get better. Just stop giving up your life. Continue your life doing the best you can do. Allah will help you. Believe it…

You are stronger than you think, so remember to stand tall. Do note that every challenge in your life helps you to grow. Every problem you encounter strengthens your mind and your soul. Every trouble you overcome increases your understanding of life. When all your troubles weigh heavily on your shoulders, remember that beneath the burden you can stand tall, because you are never given more than you can handle... and you are stronger than you think

“Believe in Allah and Rasulullah, and you strive hard and fight for Allah with your wealth and lives, that is better for you if you know.”The Quran (As-Saff: 11)

For we all suffer sometimes in our lives. Some of us suffer loss, others from the feeling of being different. There are so many things that bring us down. Some sit in their rooms and just cry and pray for a better life, some of us can’t handle things and reach for the knife. Whatever makes you depressed, no matter how down you feel, how close to giving up you get, don’t!!!

Hold on, be strong, there is always someone out there who cares for you. Life has it’s up and downs, and one day, it’ll look up for you too.
If you need someone to turn to, Allah is there all the time :D.

O Allah, do help us to face this life. You are the best….