Last night, I just found something miracle happening to me. I was reading koran when ‘something’ asked me to read the meaning of the very next verse where I was reading. It was Al-Qasas: 77.
"And seek for the good in the hereafter with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, but forget not the portion of lawful enjoyment in this world; and do good things as how Allah has been good to you, and seek not mischief in this land. Verily, Allah doesn’t like the Mufsidun (those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, and corrupters)."

After reading it, I really had decided that I wanted to change the way of my life. I do… Yes, I do… I want to forget every burning things before. Khassah… Yes, I am going to learn to forget about it.
Allah, You know… I’m weak… I’m totally weak… And there is nothing that I can do without Your help. You are everything.
O Allah, I wanted to change my life… Please, help me to turn my sadness into kindness, my uniqueness into strength. There is nobody who has the ability except You. Please Allah… You are my only hope.
Allah… if You let me, I’ll be the princess of the day tomorrow. So, I really have to change my life. I‘ll start a very new life with You by my side. O Allah, I do need You so.
To everybody who I ever know or not, this is me in my new life. I hope I'll change. I don't wanna cry much anymore. I wanted to face this life with full happiness. I'll try to take a rossy view to myself after this. And I'll try to accept everybody in my life no matter who they are. Anyway, welcome to the new world of mine.